
2023年11月26日—1-ClickWindows+Rkeys,inputservices.msc,andthenclickOK.2-Navigatedownthelisttolocatethe'WindowsUpdateservice'.3-Performa ...,Benefits:Easytodisableandre-enableWindowsupdates.StopUpdates10doesnotdeletefiles,doesnotchangefilerightsoranotherdestructiveactions.,2023年8月23日—NavigatetoHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Policies-Microsoft-Windows.Right-clickontheWindowskey,selectNew,andthenc...

how do i permanently disable updates in windows 10?

2023年11月26日 — 1- Click Windows+R keys, input services.msc, and then click OK. 2- Navigate down the list to locate the 'Windows Update service'. 3- Perform a ...

StopUpdates10 4.6.2024.0403

Benefits: Easy to disable and re-enable Windows updates. StopUpdates10 does not delete files, does not change file rights or another destructive actions.

How do you turn off windows 10 updates which are really ...

2023年8月23日 — Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Policies-Microsoft-Windows . Right-click on the Windows key, select New , and then choose Key . Name ...


A free utility to manage Windows OS updates. StopUpdates10 is a free utility that was developed by Greatis Software for PC. It is a Windows update tool that ...

StopUpdates10 for Windows

StopUpdates10 is an incredibly useful program that will deactivate these automatic updates in a way that's as simple as it is efficient. The simple and self- ...


2024年4月6日 — StopUpdates10 blocks executable files, related to Windows upgrade from starting. It is enough to stop Windows updating process. ‹ ›.

Download StopUpdates10

Download StopUpdates10 4.6.2024.0403 - Prevent Windows 10 from forcefully updating itself, without your permission, thanks to this simple and ...

Win Update Stop

Permanently disable automatic Windows Updates via a simple GUI. Re-Enable Windows Updates. With this program you can enable again Windows Updates when you want.